
Breve is a Polish manufacturer of a wide range of transformers. High quality products include transformers without enclosures, encapsulated, single-phase, three-phase, transformers for DIN rail, for printed circuits, toroidal, portable. We also offer transformers for power tools, lighting and specialist, i.e. medical transformers, for railway turnouts heating systems, for cutting foamed polystyrene and matching voltage to Japanese machines. Below we present detailed descriptions of all transformer groups.

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Breve Tufvassons Sp. z o. o.
Postępowa 25/27
93-347 Łódź, Poland
NIP: 727-012-56-95
KRS: 0000034304
REGON: 004278382

Contact us:
phone: (42) 640 15 39
fax: (42) 640 15 41